Åsa Elisa Dahlbeck – Visual artist / painting and graphic art.

Educated at Gothenburgh University School of Art ”Valand”, 5 years

with focus on painting, drawing and graphic art.I paint with oil,watercolor,tempera,gouashe,
akrylic,oilbar and chalk.To draw I use pencil,black chalk and ink.My techniques in graphics are woodcut,monotype,drypoint,etching and lithography.Sometimes the techniques are mixed on the same image.

My way of portaying , is through painting,drawing and art graphics

Art make a difference. Here a digital fine art print is hung in an office.

For me personally, creating images is a way to have time to reflect on what I see and hear about. Each image becomes like a message to myself and to others. In these days of AI, one is glad that there is a special sender. Love the idea of ​​being part of a long tradition of image creation, ever since the time of cave paintings for about 25000 years ago.
This is a ”painterly print”. Monotype

”Color is my most important means of expressen.The color is like music with chords and rythms.The images I do often comes to me for my inner sight.I think that my art becomes similar to poetry and music.That is my wish.”

”Skimmer of love” Monotype,
printed in colaboration with Erik Holgerssons printmaking workshop.

”I am often out in the landscape and paint to study what I see.Nature is my very best teacher.This basic studies is very important for to be able to create my inner images.Theese inner images comes to me with their own stories,accompanied by the rythm and chords of the color.They are in that way simultaneously narrative and abstract.It starts with a brushstroke on a blank piece of paper.Soon there will be a new painting.That is magical.”

”The mountain”Watercolor

A drawing pad in my pocket is always with me.Drawing is the basis for my image creation.Switching between different ways to work is inspriring.One gives something to the other.

”I paint,draw and make graphic in different techniques.I appreciate the change between different ways of creating images.”

”The evening symphony.” Watercolor


are intresting

I work alternately with brush,pencil,wood carving iron,needle for drypoint on paper,canvas ,woodplate or copperplate.I`m working with Oil .Chalk,Pencil,Charcoal,Oilbar Waxencaustic,Watercolor,Tempera, Drypoint,Woodcut,Sugarlift, Lithography and Digital Fine Art Print as an example.

”Strong in the dark” oil on canvas

”The boat is waiting” watercolor

”Someone among us” Watercolor

Skiss i akvarell

”Caring for the child” Watercolor

”Agjafas land” tempera on paper

”The white horse” vax encaustic

”Evening time”gouache on paper

”The way out?” waterolor

”Horse in the stream” Monotype

oilbar and watercolor on paper

”One of the black horses II” Monotype

”Onboard” Monotype

”The lonely church” Monotye

”The house on the hill” Monotype

”Arrival” Monotype

”Because of the sun” Oil on copper
I needed magnyfying glass to paint this painting which is 15×15 cm on a copperplate.

”We all depend on the forces of nature.Here is the boat on the sea among the mighty mountains. There is a beauty at the same time.”

”The white horse is full of joy”

Monotype/Digital Fine Art Print

” Bird with a message” Watercolor

”Bird with a message” Monotype

”In the light of fire” Oil on canvas

” People pass by the mountain with a flag” Watercolor

It is also about the colorchords,playing together.

”Mystery” Monotype

Sangpo wants to join ! Oil on copper

”Out walking at night!” crayon on paper

”A special visitor” Oil on canvas


”Don´t worry,I will become a woodcut print.” Ink on wood

”The wanderer” Oil on canvas

Sketches of the green fruit and the cat making contact.